
Discovering how to live out life with grace

Looking for TIME

I know there’s a saying, “there’s no better time than now”. Ugh… it sounds good, in theory, but easier said than done. The survival of two little humans and four dogs depends on me. Honestly, by the time everyone is fed, changed and gone potty, I’m ready for a nap. Guess what? That’s exactly what time it is. I get the babies comfy, I grab my favorite drink, put on a show and prepare for 1-3 hours of downtime.

I don’t need to look for time… are you ready to hear this? I just need to manage the time I have better! What?!? It hurts me to re-read that sentence. However, I know that it’s true. I don’t even want to consider the number of hours wasted scrolling social media. My issue is not being able to find time. My problem is that I haven’t committed to staying consistent with how I spend my time.

I decided to do a vision board this year. It is my first one ever. You can see it on my IG. I loved doing it. I loved thinking about my year. The though of making by dad proud and accomplishing things like running a marathon, traveling and reading the whole Bible in a year is exciting. Yet, if I was to tell what I’ve done so far, it may not surprise you, the answer is nothing. It’s not because I don’t have time. It’s because I haven’t taken the time to implement any of these things in my day.

I go to bed at night feeling frustrated with what I could have done. It’s like a never-ending cycle that only I can break. I realized that I’m not looking to cross things off my list. I just want to end my day feeling like I accomplished something. I want to wake up feeling like my life is more than feeding dogs and keeping children alive. Guess what?!? It is more and yours is too. Your life is more than just the everyday mundane tasks you do. Let’s change our perspective. We don’t need to find time. We need to rediscover our value.

The things they say...

After praying, we were waving toward the heavens and saying hi to papa. My youngest (2) said that he wanted papa to come to his house. My oldest (3) said, “he can’t because papa is in heaven with Jesus and we don’t have a rope to go up there. maybe I’ll get a rope for my birthday and then we can go see him, okay.”

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