
Discovering how to live out life with grace

  • Letting Go

    Even when you say it, do you every really do it? Letting go is never that easy. It’s complicated and difficult. It’s hard to let go and it can apply to many different things in life. For example, letting go of a past relationship, letting go of a bad habit or letting go of someone…

  • Just Grateful

    Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I just sit in my feelings. There has been so much good in my life. I think a common theme is that I wouldn’t change anything. But there are certain moments in the last 30 years that can feel heavy at times. Some of these memories are a consequence of…

  • Change

    Today was such a great day! Sometimes I underestimate my babies (2 and 3 years old). I forget what they’re capable of. I forget what I’m capable of. My husband has two kids from a previous relationship (22 and 13). When we got married 5 years ago, we decided it would be best for me…

  • Looking for TIME

    I know there’s a saying, “there’s no better time than now”. Ugh… it sounds good, in theory, but easier said than done. The survival of two little humans and four dogs depends on me. Honestly, by the time everyone is fed, changed and gone potty, I’m ready for a nap. Guess what? That’s exactly what…

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What will this year bring?

It’s a question you might find yourself asking, time and time again. It’s so easy to start your year out with so many ambitions. You might have a short or a long list of the things you want to accomplish and you tell yourself, “this is my year.” Before you know it January has passed, you are entering February and you have yet to do that thing, or start that plan. It is hard not to feel discouraged. As a stay at home mom, surrounded by people, sometimes it can still feel lonely. It can feel like you’re the only one lacking motivation, or failing to finish what you haven’t started.

What I am hoping for this year, more than anything, is connection, friendship, a place where I belong and feel accepted. When I was younger I couldn’t wait to get married, I was even more eager to be a mama. It just seemed like the most rewarding job I could ever do. I’m a mama now, to two adorable boys, and it is one of the most rewarding, and hardest jobs I’ve ever had. At the end of the day I’m exhausted. My mind is running about what I did, what I didn’t do, what I could have done. I’m happy to see my husband and I want to be left alone. I want to enjoy my family and I want silence. I want friendship but I’m too tired to go out.

Sometimes it can feel like no one can relate to your life or your experiences. I’m remarried. I’m a dog mom. I’m a step-mom. I’m a mama. I’ve been called a spiritual mom. Regardless of your walk in life I want this to be a place where you feel at home. Where you can embrace who you are and discover who God wants you to be. I want to share ideas, recommendations and resources that have worked for my family and easy ways to incorporate things you want to accomplish. Most importantly, I want to connect. Feel free to leave comments on my posts and I’ll always reply or you can email me at [email protected].

Shirley Yutzy

Union, MO