
Discovering how to live out life with grace

Just Grateful

Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I just sit in my feelings. There has been so much good in my life. I think a common theme is that I wouldn’t change anything. But there are certain moments in the last 30 years that can feel heavy at times. Some of these memories are a consequence of my own choices. Some of them were completely out of my control. What I know, is that despite it all, I can look at my life now and feel grateful.

I am grateful for my husband who loves me unconditionally. He is always there for me. He always chooses me. He loves me in my most difficult moments. He celebrates my accomplishments. He supports me in anything I want to pursue. We have created such a beautiful life together with our two babies. It is not a perfect life because that does not exist, but even in the hardest moments we see God in the details and feel blessed.

We will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary soon. I honestly can’t believe how fast time has passed. I feel like we’ve accomplished so much in a short amount of time. I look back on these years and I see God in every moment. My husband and I were both previously married and there’s a lot of baggage that carries over. There are unique challenges in our marriage simply because it’s not our first. Our love and respect for one another carries us through each day. I kiss my babies goodnight and feel hopeful.

The things they say…

My oldest (3) tells his baby brother (2) “we’re not supposed to watch this because it’s a cartoon and we don’t watch cartoons, okay”.

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